Film Teaser of Fringy Fields Forever

To document the various activities and events of the Vienna Urban Living Lab at Zukunftshof in the Summer of 2024, Sophie Bösker created a short film that captures our joint exploration, the shared joy and other ephemeral moments of co-creation and placemaking. After its premiere at the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam 2024, we hope to show the film at other festivals soon. Here we present a little teaser of the movie.

Now still fields and meadows, soon a densely populated neighbourhood – At the fringes of the City of Vienna, we ventured into the yet undeveloped and undefined free spaces of Rothneusiedl and co-created interventions which challenge common participation processes in urban planning with hands-on action.

How can we learn about a place through eating its landscape? How can we re-imagine relations through sports and play? How can we understand youth’s needs and desires by imagining an alternative future?

Together with young people we turned meadows into a Cross-Country Hockey field, a former farm and soon-to-be neighbourhood center into a film set for Green Scripted Realities, and the fertile fields of Rothneusiedl into a Soil Kitchen. Fringey fields forever playfully explores open spaces in the city and takes a glimpse into the future.


All activities developed in the framework of the ENUTC Project TRUSTMAKING

Funded by JPI Urban Europe – FFG

Social Design Studio / University of Applied Arts Vienna

Elina Kränzle, Veronika Hackl, Judith Lehner

together with our partners:

Green Scripted Realities: Theresa Schütz, Moritz Böttjer

Soil Kitchen: Sebastian Hafner (ROMM. forschen planen bauen)

Tangible Absence: Marije Vogelzang

In cooperation with WUK.workspace, HLMW9, MMS am Schöpfwerk, Social Design Students

Video & editing: Sophie Bösker