Film Teaser of Fringy Fields Forever
February 4, 2025
To document the various activities and events of the Vienna Urban Living Lab at Zukunftshof in the Summer of 2024, Sophie Bösker created a short film that captures our joint exploration, the shared joy and other ephemeral moments of co-creation and placemaking. After its premiere at the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam 2024, we hope to show the film at other festivals soon. Here we present a little teaser of the movie.
Now still fields and meadows, soon a densely populated neighbourhood – At the fringes of the City of Vienna, we ventured into the yet undeveloped and undefined free spaces of Rothneusiedl and co-created interventions which challenge common participation processes in urban planning with hands-on action.
How can we learn about a place through eating its landscape? How can we re-imagine relations through sports and play? How can we understand youth’s needs and desires by imagining an alternative future?
Together with young people we turned meadows into a Cross-Country Hockey field, a former farm and soon-to-be neighbourhood center into a film set for Green Scripted Realities, and the fertile fields of Rothneusiedl into a Soil Kitchen. Fringey fields forever playfully explores open spaces in the city and takes a glimpse into the future.
All activities developed in the framework of the ENUTC Project TRUSTMAKING
Funded by JPI Urban Europe – FFG
Social Design Studio / University of Applied Arts Vienna
Elina Kränzle, Veronika Hackl, Judith Lehner
together with our partners:
Green Scripted Realities: Theresa Schütz, Moritz Böttjer
Soil Kitchen: Sebastian Hafner (ROMM. forschen planen bauen)
Tangible Absence: Marije Vogelzang
In cooperation with WUK.workspace, HLMW9, MMS am Schöpfwerk, Social Design Students
Video & editing: Sophie Bösker